Holography MarketPlace 5th edition

TV Image Capture

This cover is worth discussing because it was a experiment which demonstrated some of the techniques possible with photopolymer.

The experiment was to take a photopolymer hologram and divide it into squares like a checkerboard. Each of the squares would be extremely small so you would have a very large number of squares.

Using a graphic arts program, the artists created a  animation of 12 TV sets - 3 rows of 4 sets stacked on top of each other. This image was then rendered (i.e. redrawn) numerous times to show how it would look if seen from the upper right, the upper left, the lower left, etc.

The idea was to take these images and expose each of the squares in the hologram with the appropriate image. The final product would be a hologram that "moved" to follow your perspective. So, for example, as  you turned the hologram so you were looking at it from the upper right corner, the image would rotate with you so it would look like you were seeing it from the upper right - just like in real life.

Just to be creative the artists then decided to capture live video from a TV and put the footage in the TV screens. Then, as you moved the hologram around, the TV sets would actually play back a video sequence.

It worked. Please consult the close up for more discussion on this.

It is not possible, of course, to demonstrate the depth the hologram gives without having a physical copy to hold and move around.

It is not possible, of course, to demonstrate the characteristics of the hologram on the web but you can get the hologram by simply ordering the publication it is in (hmp5). You will get other artistic designs using holograms in the issue too. The cost is inexpensive ($20) and can be ordered here.

Click here to view close up of hologram.

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