Holography MarketPlace 4th Edition

Here are two photographs of the same hologram taken from slightly different viewpoints. As you can see the detail on the face of the pharaoh is excellent. As the hologram is moved about the pharaoh appears fully lit in gold and then in a rainbow hue.

The artist in this instance presented the pharaoh in the foreground and in the background you see the walls of a Egyptian tomb which are filled with Egyptian drawings and writing.

The artist realized that the best possible detail is gotten by placing the nose of the pharaoh in the center of the hologram and touching surface of the hologram. When you look at the hologram you can see that the object is right at the surface and it is because of this that such extreme clarity is achieved. Once again a good artist is demonstrating what can be created with  careful positioning and design.

Instead of wasting the background, the artist did a great job of making us feel that we are in a Egyptian crypt with walls that are filled with  hieroglyphics  and drawings.

You can get a copy of the ad by simply ordering the publication it is in (hmp4) and you will also get a number of other ads using holograms that are in the book  The cost is inexpensive ($20) and can be ordered here.

This image is also available in labels here.

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